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El big bang del conocimiento geográfico - Mappin

The big bang of geographic knowledge

Below are images from Edward Quin's Historical Atlas, who illustrated the earth by hand according to historical periods and political conformations.

This atlas represents the world from the perspective of the heavens, where the unknown parts are shaded like black clouds, which recede with the course of history, revealing the illuminated world.

Part of its cartographic history with the illustration of the Flood, today represented by the Middle East (Tigris and Euphrates rivers). It dates back to 2348 years before Christ (if we follow the Gregorian calendar). As we can see there were no territorial divisions.

The Deluge, 2348 BC

From the promised land, Canaan, the knowledge of surrounding territories is expanding, showing what today would be Syria, Palestine, Israel and Egypt. Territories begin to be divided.

The Exodus of the Israelites, 1491 BC

With the founding of Rome, which would later become the Roman Empire, territories are added to history. It no longer focuses only on the East, but we begin to see places located in Europe, Rome and also Greece.

The founding of Rome, 753 BC

Alexander the Great was a Greek who expanded throughout Asia, achieving the feat of reaching India, which at that time were unknown territories and even called the end of the world. Thanks to Alejandro it was possible to know the lands located to the east of Greece and also a cultural exchange between the western and eastern world. At his death, his great empire was divided among the important leaders, but it did not last long, losing the connection that had been achieved with Asia.

Division of the empire of Alexander the Great, 301, BC

The Roman empire is consolidated with the figure of Augustus Césa, which goes from 23 BC, until its fall in 476 AD. With Augustus it is achieved that the Roman culture reaches both the European territories and the East.

The known territory is expanding and almost the entire European continent can be seen on the map and to the east it reaches the coasts of China.

Fall of the Western Roman Empire, 476 AD

Although there is not much difference between the maps, we can see that in the period of the crusades there are already new towns founded, dividing Europe into what will later be the countries we know today.

Period of the First Crusade, 1110 AD

With the change of era, from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age, the new navigation instruments will allow man to go further, and incorporate new territories on the map, as it was known at that time as the "discovery of America". . It is no longer only focused on Europe and Asia, but it also appears on the map of complete Africa and parts of America


Period of the “Discovery” of America, 1498 AD

The period of the civil war in England, which leads to the definitive parliamentary monarchy together with the Anglican religion, leaves few hidden places for the man of that time. We see almost all the rest of America and Australia being added to the knowledge.

Stuart Restoration period, AD 1660. C.

The 19th century is characterized by the imposition of European imperialism, which also brings various conflicts between nations. On the map you can already see the world in its entirety. What will remain to be discovered for the 20th century are the poles of the globe.

Mid-19th century, the Peace of Paris, AD 1856

With the advances that have occurred in recent years, it has been much easier to get to know the rest of the world, and today it is much easier to explore it.

In Mappin we have a World Map called New Earth , which shows "the new world", created in the year 1600.

In the same modality of map is the world map Atlas del Vino showing us the wine regions around the globe that, using techniques from 1500, manages to give an ancient aesthetic to this map, but with the geo-political separations of today and where the wines are located. best wines.

Finally, a world map from 1948 that shows us what communications were like for that year, post World War II, which gives us a perspective from the Pacific Ocean.

Which one do you like the most?

Cartographic Illustrations:Quin, Edward. Historical Atlas. A series of maps of the world and what it is known for in different time periods. 1830.

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