DANAE ALÉ: An illustrated tour of our National Parks
Graphic designer and illustrator who loves nature and sports, who on this occasion educates us visually through her interpretation of National Parks, evidencing the prevailing beauty throughout our territory with cliffs, salt flats, forests, volcanoes, lagoons, fields of ice, flora and fauna, EVEN THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD IS PRESENT! In addition, it motivates us to explore them in "sports mode" or excursion, inviting us to adventure.
We talked with Danae Alé about the making of her map National Parks of Chile for MAPPIN :
How did you come up with national parks as a theme for your map?
I have always been a fan of outdoor sports and when I talked to Felipe about which map he wanted to illustrate, he told me that the sports map was already in progress, that's why I came to the national parks. So I could mix the two things; nature and sports, and luckily the theme was available. I loved the idea because in addition If I could illustrate two of my favorite things, I could choose to use more resources such as Chilean flora and fauna.
How was your investigative process and information gathering?
I did not find many web platforms that facilitated my research work since most did not have with real or updated information on national parks. I didn't have any books either. or material on the subject, so I decided to make a call on Instagram. I have a lot of fanatic people of the national parks, some friends have already almost traveled all of them! They were very helpful.
To have more clarity and accuracy about the parks, using the google maps application on the computer I was zooming in on each region to find the parks, I took a screenshot of them and then I printed it haha...
“…I draw with any color and once I finish
all illustrations I start to play
I can change the palette more than 10 times.”
What was your creative process for this graphic piece?
I'm usually very quick with the subject of illustration. I don't make sketches or anything, I jump into the pool. That's how it was with this map, I'm very clear about my digital illustration style so I started to draw all at once, reproducing the images and ideas in my head. The result I liked immediately.
Do you think that the aesthetics of the map is as relevant as the theme?
Yes. It is a theme that I like a lot, but I assign more value to aesthetics, that is where the hallmark is. With my illustrations I look for people to love my works both for the theme I address and also for my illustrative style.
What is your favorite stage in the technical construction of the graphic piece? Because?
By far my favorite stage is the color palette. I never choose the beginning, I draw with any color and once I finish all the illustrations I start to play, I can change the palette more than 10 times. I think that it is the most important thing, that they combine and that they attract attention.
As a designer, what other topics would you like to cover in a future map?
Something that moves and motivates me a lot is Feminism, I have many illustrations related to empowerment of the woman. It would be very interesting to adapt the theme for a new map.
Currently, Danae Ale (23) works as a Freelance Designer and Illustrator, in addition to studying an Editorial Design Diploma at the University of Chile where she is in the process of designing her illustrated book on feminism, where without a doubt, once again, she will educate us visually with its important content and message to deliver.
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